Mostra Cultural


Mizzou Global Scholars – 6th Grade


The Carbon Footprint Lab Report project gave students the opportunity to learn about the carbon cycle and the negative impacts of the excessive CO2 emission. The 6th graders also learned the concept of Carbon Footprint, which represents the amount of carbon dioxide that is generated by one’s actions. With that in mind, students reflected on their habits and measured their carbon footprint in relation to their housing arrangements, transportation means and personal habits. After that, they analyzed which areas they needed to improve in order to reduce their impact on the planet and they discussed which small actions could be put into practice to achieve that.

The next step was a challenging one, our 6th graders became scientists, and their experiment was to implement that small change in their lives. Just like the scientists, they also had to write a lab report about their experiment, and they did that using the CER model: Claim, Evidence, Reasoning. In addition to that, students had to design an action plan to make these small changes possible. It was not an easy task to put these small changes into practice and to learn how to write in an objective, scientific way, but our scientists did a great job! Some of the experiments failed because it was not possible to implement the changes in their lives, but they learned that this happens in science sometimes and that the important thing is to keep trying! However, most of the experiments were successful and they were able to realize that even small changes can help the planet! Their carbon footprint analysis and lab report can be checked out in this Padlet: click here. As the texts are authentic productions by our students, grammar/spelling mistakes may occur.


O projeto Carbon Footprint Lab Report deu aos alunos a oportunidade de aprender sobre o ciclo do carbono e os impactos negativos do excesso de emissão de CO2. Os alunos do 6o ano também aprenderam o conceito de pegada de carbono, que representa a quantidade de dióxido de carbono que é gerada pelas ações de alguém. Com isso em mente, os alunos refletiram sobre seus hábitos e mediram suas pegadas de carbono com relação às instalações residenciais, meios de transporte, e hábitos pessoais. Em seguida, eles analisaram quais áreas eles precisavam melhorar a fim de reduzir seu impacto no planeta e discutiram quais pequenas ações poderiam ser tomadas para alcançar esse objetivo.

O próximo passo foi desafiador! Os alunos do 6o ano viraram cientistas e o experimento deles era implementar essa pequena mudança na vida deles. Assim como os cientistas, eles também tiveram que escrever um relatório de laboratório sobre o experimento, e eles o fizeram usando o modelo CER: Claim (afirmação), Evidence (evidência), Reasoning (raciocínio). Além disso, nossos cientistas desenvolveram um plano de ação para que fosse possível colocar essas pequenas mudanças em prática. Não foi uma tarefa fácil colocar essas pequenas mudanças em prática e aprender a escrever de uma forma objetiva, científica, mas nossos cientistas fizeram um ótimo trabalho! Alguns dos experimentos falharam, porque não foi possível implementar tais mudanças na vida deles, mas eles aprenderam que isso às vezes acontece na ciência e que o importante é continuar tentando! Contudo, a maioria dos experimentos foram bem sucedidos e eles puderam perceber que mesmo as pequenas mudanças podem ajudar o planeta! Suas análises da pegada de carbono e seus relatórios podem ser vistos clicando aqui. Como os textos são produções autênticas dos alunos, podem ocorrer erros de ortografia/gramática.

Mizzou Global Scholars – 7th Grade 

Creativity and Collaboration Message

In one of the projects of the first semester our 7th graders had the mission to create a poster about leadership. In order to do that they had to interview a community leader to learn about important leadership qualities. Our guest was the architect Anna Winstanley, who lives in London and has already worked on many projects that combine architecture with education. If you would like to know more about her, click here.

Students did a great job asking our guest very interesting and relevant questions! As a result, the posters they created were very informative and inspiring! It shows how much they learned about leadership from the community leader and throughout the first semester, which was focused on discussing and learning about leadership qualities. As the texts are authentic productions by our students, grammar/spelling mistakes may occur.

Mensagem de criatividade e colaboração

Em um dos projetos do primeiro semestre, os alunos do 7o ano tiveram a missão de criar um poster sobre liderança. Para fazer isso, eles tinham que entrevistar um líder de uma comunidade para aprender sobre importantes qualidades de liderança. Nossa convidada foi a arquiteta Anna Winstanley, que mora em Londres e já trabalhou em diversos projetos que combinam arquitetura com educação. Se quiser saber mais sobre ela, clique aqui.

Os alunos fizeram um ótimo trabalho trazendo perguntas interessantes e relevantes! Consequentemente, os posters que eles criaram ficaram muito informativos e inspiradores! Isso mostra o quanto eles aprenderam sobre liderança com um líder e com as aulas do primeiro semestre. É importante ressaltar que, como os textos são produções autênticas dos alunos, podem ocorrer erros de ortografia/gramática.

Veja os textos aqui

Our communities

In the second semester, students have reflected about the communities they belong to and how much they contribute to and learn from them!

  • FAMILY: The first community that we all belong to is our family, so we discussed family connections and students created their own family trees to show their classmates.
  • SCHOOL: The second community which has an important role in their lives is the school! So, the students decorated their virtual school locker with stickers to represent each community they feel part of at school.
  • MY LOCAL COMMUNITIES: Finally, the students represented their local communities by drawing the places around their neighborhood that they believe have an important part in their lives, for example: church, club, condominium, among others.

As the texts are authentic productions by our students, grammar/spelling mistakes may occur. 

Nossas comunidades

No segundo semestre, os alunos refletiram sobre as comunidades às quais pertencem e o quanto eles contribuem e aprendem com elas!

  • FAMÍLIA: A primeira comunidade à qual todos pertencem é nossa família, então falamos sobre as relações familiares e os alunos criaram suas próprias árvores genealógicas para mostrar aos colegas.
  • ESCOLA: A segunda comunidade que tem um papel importante na vida dos alunos é a escola! Então, os alunos decoraram seu armário virtual com adesivos para representar cada comunidade escolar da qual eles se sentem parte.
  • MINHA COMUNIDADE LOCAL: Finalmente, os alunos representaram suas comunidades locais desenhando os lugares ao redor de suas vizinhanças os quais eles acreditam ser uma parte importante de suas vidas, por exemplo: igreja, clube, condomínio, entre outros.

Vale lembrar que como os textos são produções autênticas dos alunos, podem ocorrer erros de ortografia/gramática.

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Mizzou Global Scholars – 8th Grade 

The 8th grade Middle School course is all about Human Rights. And when it comes to defending our rights, especially children’s rights, all forms of artistic expression are welcome to help raise awareness about important issues.

As a warm-up exercise in the art of poetry, our students wrote about a place dear to their hearts (real or imaginary) trying to describe it using their five senses – and their imagination. The result? This beautiful Sensory Poetry Showcase. Enjoy! 

O curso do Middle School no 8o ano é sobre Direitos Humanos. E quando se trata de defender nossos direitos, especialmente os direitos das crianças, todas as formas de expressão artística são bem-vindas para ajudar a aumentar a conscientização sobre questões importantes.

Como um exercício de aquecimento na arte da poesia, nossos alunos escreveram sobre um lugar caro a seus corações (real ou imaginário) tentando descrevê-lo usando seus cinco sentidos – e sua imaginação. O resultado? Esta bela Mostra de Poesia Sensorial. Aproveitem!

Class Convention video – Children’s Rights Pledge

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PSA- Poverty and Homelessness

Sensory Poetry Showcase

The very first project our students had to produce this year was nothing less than a “pledge”. As we learned this year, a pledge is like a very serious promise – it is a personal commitment to take action and make a difference in the world.

In this “Class Convention Video” display, you will have the chance to take a look at some of the projects being presented by their own creators. Not something you will want to miss! 

O primeiro projeto que nossos alunos tiveram que produzir este ano foi nada menos do que um “pledge”. Como aprendemos este ano, um “pledge” é como se fosse uma promessa muito séria – é um compromisso pessoal de agir e fazer a diferença no mundo.

Nesta exibição intitulada “Class Convention Video”, você terá a chance de dar uma olhada em alguns dos projetos sendo apresentados por seus próprios criadores. Não é algo que você vai querer perder!

Sensory Poetry Showcase

9th Grade

The students had to write and present a speech, Three Locations Informative Speech, about if they could travel to any three destinations in the world, where would they go, and why? They had to prepare a complete speech that identified their three locations and informed their audience about why they selected them. The students recorded a video of the final performance of this presentation.

10th Grade

For this assignment, Television News Broadcast, the students worked together as a group of four members and their broadcast team planned, researched, wrote, and produced a complete television news broadcast. Each individual member of the team was responsible for producing at least one complete news segment for the broadcast. Each student was graded both on his/her individual contribution to the broadcast and on the quality of the final product as a whole.

The assignment required at least one news anchor, at least one reporter, and at least one analyst. They had to prepare three news segments; one “hard news”, one “soft news” and one additional segment of the group’s choice.

11th Grade

For this experience, each student had to create a Stock Market Game. They had to decide how to spend US$25,000 in the stock market. They needed to purchase stocks, not going over their allotted budget; follow it for two weeks and chart the performance of their stocks; and complete an essay where they detailed the steps and evaluated their choices. There were three steps that the students needed to complete which are described below.